
Welcome to my 'About Jason Stallworth' page where you can contact me (there's a form below) and learn about my music.

My ultimate mission is to take over the worl...oops, wrong mission! 

The mission is really all about YOU - I want to give you an awesome combination of melodic rock and metal music.
I also play acoustic gigs, locally!

Jason Stallworth ESP E-II Horizon FR-7 guitar

Contact Jason Stallworth

  • Recording guitars and bass for albums/projects
  • Collaborations/interviews
  • In-person (or online) guitar clinics
  • LOCAL Live Gigs - Click Here

Electronic Press Kit

CLICK HERE for my EPK (electronic press kit).

Musical Styles and Influences

I started my music career with instrumental heavy metal, releasing my first album in 2013, Apocalyptic Dreams.

I then combined another passion with my music and released an album series called Heavy Metal Workout (HMW in 2016 and HMW II in 2017). Both are instrumental rock-metal albums created for the purpose of pumping you up and giving you motivation! 

My style really evolved when I released my first vocal album in 2019, Masterpeace. This is more of a melodic power metal album with multiple vocal styles that range from thrash metal to death metal. 

I'm currently recording my 5th studio album, which will be an equal mix of vocal and instrumental tracks, combining melodic power and thrash metal styles with some hints of 80's style rock. And I also have an acoustic album in the works, both slated to be released in 2021 (gees, I better get to work!! lol)

Jason Stallworth Ybor railroad tracks

Musical Influences

My first musical influences as a musician are a mix of heavy metal, rock, and hair metal bands like:

  • Metallica
  • Megadeth
  • Scorpions
  • Queensryche
  • Judas Priest
  • Guns n' Roses
  • Testament
  • Def Leppard
  • Bon Jovi
  • Tesla
  • Skid Row
  • Whitesnake

I could totally keep naming bands but that would fill this entire page! I was in love with rock and metal music! 

I will say that the first albums I owed (which were these ancient devices called cassettes) were Metallica's Master of Puppets and And Justice for All. 

As with most guitarists, I was (and still am) heavily influenced by Joe Satriani. I'll never forget being swept away by Flying in a Blue Dream. 

**On a side note, I've always been a big fan of 80's music, in general. Artists like Phil Collins, Prince, Madonna, The Police, and countless others were constantly playing on my radio. 

Many years later, I became fascinated with any of the melodic power, death, and symphonic metal from European bands like: 

  • Nightwish
  • Arch Enemy
  • Delain
  • Amon Amarth
  • Amorphis
  • Sonata Arctica
  • Primal Fear

So you'll hear hints of all of these styles packaged into my albums and songs.

As I've gotten a bit older, I've started listening to more 70s and 80s rock, and even some select country. There's just something about those eras of music that are magical.  

I'm sort of reliving that by playing acoustic covers from the 70s and 80s a few times a month at wineries and breweries in my local area. My wife sings a few songs with me as well and we have a blast. 

How I Got Into Playing Music

I’ll never forget this moment – 15 years old sitting on the bus (we called the bus ‘the cheese wagon’ back then!), and I heard this thrashing sound coming from this dude’s headphones.

This dude had long hair and wore a jean jacket covered in heavy metal patches of bands like Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, Testament, Exodus, Anthrax, etc. This dude was immediately my hero!

Everyone else thought he was a freakin’ weirdo, but he didn’t care. He was in his own world, playing air drums to his metal tunes.

With much intrigue and a slight nervousness, I asked him:

‘Hey man, what are you listening to?‘

Sensing my extreme and genuine interest, he smiled and said:


I went to a record store that weekend with the money I had from mowing lawns and bought Metallica’s Master of Puppets and And Justice for All cassettes.

So Let It Be Written

That was my intro to heavy metal music, and I never looked back!

From that moment, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to play guitar. But I didn’t want to just play guitar, I wanted to play metal!

I also had another great musical influence in my life back then that I must mention. Ronnie Goodman, a phenomenal jazz/blues musician and songwriter. Even though it wasn’t metal, his style of playing guitar was captivating, like no other.

I started mixing the guitar techniques I learned from him with what I knew from playing metal and eventually developed my own style.

Ronnie was part of the church I grew up in. He was a great friend and mentor (rest in peace, my friend).

Playing in church for those years helped me expand my skills as a musician because I was forced to play songs in a variety of keys. And of course I’d often ‘accidentally‘ click my distortion pedal in the middle of a song!

Heads would roll at the sound of those crunchy power chords!

The journey had begun, entering the dark yet fascinating and often misunderstood realm of heavy metal music. I continued learning songs from my favorite heavy metal bands while also writing my own music.

Diverse Sounds and Melodies

Although my primary genre is in the realm of heavy metal, I've never seen myself as just a metal musician. At times, I've struggled with the idea of pigeon-holing myself into one genre, and even subgenre. 

But my love for writing music goes much deeper than just one genre. Of course, all of the music that I write, from acoustic to some of the more extreme metal songs, they're all centered around the guitar and my own signature sound.

I have instrumental rock songs, and I have music that's on the edge of melodic death metal. And I also write a lot of acoustic material. But in some strange way, regardless of the style or subgenre, I've developed this signature sound where you know it's me.  

But the greatest thing that I try to do is write music that speaks to you. Whether it's one of my heartfelt acoustic songs or in your face metal tracks, my hope is that you're inspired. 

Want the Full Story?

Heavy Metal and Weights book by Jason Stallworth

Heavy Metal and Weights

You'll travel back in time with me and experience my journey of picking up the guitar for the first time, and lifting weights.

You will also learn my entire recording process of the Heavy Metal Workout album series. And you'll get 2 free workouts programs in this book!

Click below to order your copy now on Amazon!