Behind the Scenes: Heavy Metal Workout II

By Jason Stallworth

August 18, 2017

If you the first Heavy Metal Workout album got you pumped, then wait until you hear Heavy Metal Workout II!

HMW II s my 3rd studio album. It’s a more aggressive approach to its predecessor.

Heavy Metal Workout II contains 13 instrumental metal songs that are all movers and shakers. Get ready for an extreme dose of metal motivation!

Listen to HMW II

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About Heavy Metal Workout II

Like the first Heavy Metal Workout album that was released a little over a year prior, HMW II is melodic in nature.

However, this album has faster guitar riffs and is overall more aggressive. It’s still all-instrumental metal, also catering to those that prefer metal workout music.

So what’s the difference between Heavy Metal Workout and Heavy Metal Workout II? HMW II is much more aggressive with faster guitar riffs and drums (drums were done by Ed Aborn, a genius producer, and drummer).

Heavy Metal Workout II is basically a roided up version on the first album in the series. If you’re looking for extreme heavy metal to listen to for your workouts, you won’t be disappointed with HMW II.

HMW II Track List

heavy metal workout II instrumental death metal workout music
  • 01 – Death Lift
  • 02 – Anabolica
  • 03 – One More Round
  • 04 – No Pain
  • 05 – F’n Brutal
  • 06 – Beast Mode
  • 07 – Last Rep
  • 08 – Go Heavy or Go Home
  • 09 – Lean Machine
  • 10 – Attack of Quadzilla
  • 11 – I Must Break You
  • 12 – Start Something
  • 13 – Back Off

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**This was the first time I did an actual pre-release of a song, which was on August 4th, 2017. The full album was released on August 18th, 2017

The Making of Heavy Metal Workout II

I never expected to do a series of album, much less a follow to the first Heavy Metal Workout. But something strange happened after I finished recording the tracks for the original Heavy Metal Workout in February of 2016.

The riffs I was writing were a lot heavier and more aggressive.

I started writing guitar parts that were more along the lines of melodic death metal. I guess I have to attribute this to me listening to a ton of Amon Amarth, Arch Enemy, and similar bands.

I was also listening to some older metal bands like Exodus and Kreator, who aren’t considered death metal but they’re super heavy and have a lot of fast and aggressive guitar playing.

Drum Programmed by a Real Drummer

With writing fast and death metal style guitar rhythms came some great challenges. As writing these music parts were natural for me, I know the drums would be a seemingly impossible task for me to tackle alone.

I’m not a drummer (or at least nowhere near good enough to play drums for there music I write) and being a studio musician, I’m not out and about meeting other musicians, so at the time I did not know any drummers that could handle this type of music.

Towards the end of recording all of the guitar and bass tracks for HMW II, a dude from my Facebook musician page reached out to me just telling me how much he liked my videos and music.

I love hearing this because it serves as a connection between people. And that’s what life is all about. Well, that’s what it should be about!

We chatted for a while and as I dug deeper I soon found that I was talking to a professional producer and drummer, Ed Aborn. I somehow talked him into handling the drum tracks for this album.

Ed Aborn is the drummer for the band Siren.

**You can follow Siren here:

Siren on Facebook
Siren on Instagram

Ed Aborn Took Drums to the Next Level

This was a tremendous relief and Ed did a phenomenal job. I needed a true drummer’s perspective for this album.

And I don’t think…actually, I know for a fact Heavy Metal Workout II would be nowhere near as great without Ed Aborn’s help. Ed also gave me a lot of extremely helpful advice for the album, which I was grateful for.

Once all the drum tracks were completed, things got really fun (I say that with a taste of sarcasm). I realized two things. I needed to go back and re-record ALL of the bass guitar tracks to better match what Ed did on the drums.

The second thing was, and this kills my ego, some of my rhythm guitar parts were off on a few songs. So I had to go back and re-record those parts as well.

Guitar Riffs and Solos

I had recorded most of the lead guitar tracks during the phase of laying down the rhythm guitar tracks. I did go back and touch some of those up. Like the first Heavy Metal Workout album, I didn’t fill every second of every song with guitar solos.

I was tempting but I had to remind myself that this is a themed album for instrumental metal workout music. I didn’t want to create any distractions. And sometimes guitar solos can do that. But I did throw in plenty of cool guitar solos, and there are also several parts with dueling guitar solos.

Back to what I called the meat and potatoes of the album, the rhythm guitars drive Heavy Metal Workout II. They’re the center of attention and they keep you motivated and moving.

Obviously you don’t have to listen to Heavy Metal Workout II only when you workout. At the end of the day, it’s a super heavy instrumental metal album with a melodic death metal twist. But I do expect this album to get you pumped and force you to push out more sets and reps in the gym!

Gear used on Heavy Metal Workout II

  • Guitar: ESP M-1000 Deluxe
  • Bass: ESP D5
  • Amps/Effects: Positive Grid BIAS FX (Satan / Randall Satan amp simulation)
  • Studio Devil Bass Amp Pro
  • Drums: Ed Aborn
  • Recording Hardware/Software: Presonus Interface and Studio One
  • Monitors: KRK G5 Rokits

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Special Thanks

  • Christ, for the gift of music, and gift of life.
  • Candy, my beloved soul mate. I’m living proof that it makes a tremendous difference when you have a spouse that’s supportive of your dreams and passions.
  • Ed Aborn for stepping in and taking over the seemingly impossible task of the drum tracks for such extreme metal. And thank you for all of your advice and support.
  • Mike Olson at JMO Services LLC for perfecting Heavy Metal Workout with his mastering skills (Mike also mastered my first album, Apocalyptic Dreams).
  • Eddie Gray and Tom Sherman, you guys have been closer than brothers despite the distance, and you’ve always been an integral part of my music. Thanks for the feedback and support.
  • I always thank my parents for their love and support over the years, and their belief in my dream. And I’d like to thank my in-laws as well, Chuck and El for their support.
  • My fans and followers; I could not do this if it weren’t for you!

Get the Book: Heavy Metal & Weights

Heavy Metal & Weights is a book I wrote in conjunction with my Heavy Metal Workout album series (I and II).

I bring you through an intriguing journey of how and why I got into playing guitar, listening to heavy metal, and lifting weights all around the same time. 

I also take you behind the scenes of the recording process for my Heavy Metal Workout album series. And I give you two workout programs in the book that you can start. 

Keep it Metal,


Jason Stallworth

About the author

Jason is a solo melodic rock and metal artist with five albums, has worked with many other artists for guitar and songwriting, YouTuber, acoustic performer, and founder of Jason Stallworth Guitar Academy.

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